“I won’t be in school tomorrow, because I don’t want to go…”

“Get it? It’s funny.” This was my ten year old brother’s joke with me as he did his homework. My little brother is not afraid to let me, and everyone around him for that matter, know how much he hates school.

I love my little brother, and during the interview for my Masters in Primary Education, he proved to be a very popular subject. Though, he usually is a popular subject.

He has a humour that I definitely don’t remember having at the his age, and his drawing talents are well beyond his years. But he is also quite hilarious.

When he’s not on the stupid xBox, rotting his brain, he is a really sweet and kind little boy, who puts a blanket over me when I fall asleep on the couch, or who cuddles my Mom when she’s upset. But then there’s the other side of him that reminds me of Jonny Bravo. The side of him that shouts “I’m so sexy!” for no apparent reason.

Harry is the light in our eyes, but he can also be a little daemon!

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